Northwest Battle Buddies
Blog updates about the Northwest Battle Buddies professional trained service dog program to help Veterans with PTSD.
Purina Dog Chow Partners with NWBB for their Service Dog Salute Program
The Purina Dog Chow team visited the Northwest Battle Buddies training facility earlier this month...
1 minute read
Veteran Stories: Leroy & Max
Leroy and his dog Max, a golden retriever, graduated from Northwest Battle Buddies in September...
2 minute read
What to Expect While Training With A NWBB Service Dog
Whether you have recently been accepted into the Northwest Battle Buddies family or are a fan or...
4 minute read
NWBB Veterans Will Now Be PetTech Certified
Northwest Battle Buddies trainers and teams put hundreds of hours into making sure our...
1 minute read
Veteran Stories: Jim & Bomber
Jim met Bomber, his golden retriever, on September 27, 2019. Bomber was the 100th dog trained by...
3 minute read